Winter Membership

Winter Membership

The lake has become synonymous with excellent carp and roach fishing during
the winter months, which led us to start the winter membership. At least six
different 4lb+ roach have been caught over the years and it’s well known for its
winter carp fishing.

Winter membership runs from 1st November to 31st March the following year.

There are a limited number of places available. If you are interested in joining our
waiting list to become a winter member please email us. It’s very helpful for you
to provide us with some background information on your fishing history and
experiences. It’s always a pleasure to meet potential members and
show them around.

Winter members would be given priority to apply for a full membership, if one
becomes available and at our discretion.

Fishing for Non-Members

The only way non-members can fish here is by renting Kingfisher Lodge or
Five Islands House (terms and conditions apply). One of the best ways for
us to offer a membership is by having a day’s fishing with Phil Spinks. This is
a great way for us to get to know you and a chance for you to see and fish
the lake. If you would like to apply for membership please email us on with all of your relevant details.

Please read our full rules / terms and conditions on the link below.
Terms and conditions while fishing